Getting a dash camera installed has grown in popularity over the past few years. Unfortunately this growth has been driven by increasing car insurance premiums and frustrations drivers have had regarding accidents or incidents for which they have not been at fault but unfortunately have no way of verifying the fact.
You may have also read about individuals or even organised gangs causing incidents to make injury claims against the driver behind my coming to a sudden unnecessary stop but knowing that typically the driver behind will be labelled at fault simply because they are behind.
On a less criminal note there is simply a more genuine incident or accident which to protect aspects of your no-claims discount or simply to ensure your repairs are paid for by the other insurance company that you have undisputable evidence of who the driver at fault was.
With insurance premiums so high, especially for younger drivers investing in a car camera is wise choice especially if you believe you are a very careful and safe driver. If so we provide a premium dash cam fitter service in Reading.
Whether you are looking for a mobile dash cam fitting or can bring your car to our workshop we can sort out your car camera fitting out either way. The time take to fit a dash cam will vary on the type of camera you have chosen and clearly a front and rear installation will take longer than just a single one.
Some will be quite simple but your focus should be on choosing a dash cam that has the functionality you need and leave the fitting to us. There are a number of aspects to consider when selecting a car camera and we'll point out a few of those which we hope will help you make the decision a little easier as ideally you don't want to keep changing your dash cam. Pick one which you think will tick all your boxes. And don't worry if you are also thinking of changing your car in the near future. Clearly you can leave your dah cam in your car and have that included as part of your sale price. If you also want to know how much it would cost to remove and re-install in another car please mention that to us and we will come up with a special offer dash cam fitting, removal and re-installing for you.
Call or complete our website form 24/7 with your vehicle details
So what are the main differences when looking to invest in a car camera? To focus on some of the main differentiators one of the main aspects which will probably be a big personal preference is whether to have the camera attached to your windscreen or dashboard. Some people will simply find a windscreen mounting too distracting so will always be looking for a dashboard option. However, there are very small car cameras which can be fitted behind your rear view mirror which may therefore be a viable option.
The other big factor is whether you are going to go for a front, rear or dual (front and rear) camera. Clearly two cameras will add to the cost of the car cameras themselves and to the fitting but let's be honest if you only go for one and you have an incident at your rear you will be kicking yourself for not going for the more expensive option. We would always advise that whilst one camera is clearly better than no camera. two cameras really make the exercise worthwhile. It is also worth checking with your insurer if they do offer a slightly lower premium if a dash cam is installed and if they do, if this reduction in premium is only dependent on fitting certain types of dash cams and whether they should be dual ones. This really should be your first action when thinking of installing a dash cam as clearly a reduction in your premium may offset the increase in price for installing a better car camera.
After the obvious differences in mounting and single or dual the differences in car camera price will be become dependent on other factors such as:
As you can see there are many factors which can influence the price of a car camera. If you have a particular camera or cameras that you would like to know the installation cost of simply include these model details along with your car registration in our contact form and we will come back to you with a installation price.
The dash cam installation options will be driven by your choice of dash cam. As we have already covered there will be different ways that your camera will be power and whether or not you have the camera linked to a smart phone or / and if you also want your camera view to be displayed on you car dashboard screen.
There are some rear cameras which also double up very well as a rear parking camera so you will get double use out of it if your car does not already have a parking camera or sensors.
Connecting numerous sensors and hard wiring to your car battery will involve a little more from our end but you will have a very robust and high spec camera system for your car.
If it all seems to much of a headache simply get in touch with us of you want our help in both deciding which dash cam to get and install.
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Whilst you would expect us to say Yes. Unfortunately with issues surrounding car driving and road use it is probably more important than ever before to have both a front and rear dash cam fitted as it could be the difference between winning or losing an insurance dispute which if it didn't go in your favour would end up costing you much more in insurance premiums over the next 5 years.
Yes - we are happy fitting virtually every sort of dash cam. Whilst there is a vast range of dash cam makes, models and price points they cater will vary based on the quality of their recording, how they record,, how recordings are stored and accessed and or corse whether they are front and rear or even surround.
We find most people will want to research and choose a particular dash cam model which seems to provide what they are looking for at a particular price point and then come to us to do the fitting. We are also happy to supply car cameras too. Simply let us know what features you are after, what's you budget and we'll find and fit the most suitable dash cam for you.
There are a number of signs to indicate your exhaust system needs repair or replacement - some will be more obvious than others.
One of the trickier symptoms to spot is a reduction in fuel economy. A poor performing exhaust burns more fuel in order to provide you with the same power output. However, If you notice your acceleration is slower than usual this will make this aspect a little more obvious.
The next set of indicators are much more noticeable: if you can hear noises from your exhaust or bottom of your car whether it is a knocking, growling, rattling or banging sound each is a hint that something is wrong with some aspect of your exhaust. If you then have a look and upon visual inspection see that your exhaust is hanging lower than usual there is definitely a problem. Another clear sign is a strong smell of gas or a burning smell each signalling a failure of gases to pass through your catalytic converter properly.
If you notice any of these symptoms be sure to get in touch to get the root problem identified and fixed before further damage to your vehicle occurs.
Absolutely - carrying our a car remap will improve what your car is able to achieve both in terms of fuel economy and in power BHP output. So you'll have the best of both worlds in terms of improved car performance.
If you still have your vehicle's manual it will normally provide some indicative mileage of when to change your timing belt. Often this will range between 60,000 to 100,000 miles. Will many things car relating there can be a temptation to try and eke out a replacement for as long as possible. However, if the timing belt brakes whilst driving it is likely to cause your engine some serious damage which will be much more costly than a timing belt replacement. The following list could be indicators that your timing belt is nearing its end and you should not delay in getting it replaced: vibrations of the vehicle, a loss of engine power, issues starting, noises coming from the engine area near the belt, engine light warnings - including overheating
Contact us to arrange a check or replacement of your timing belt to ensure you can continue to drive your vehicle safely.
Clearly, it doesn't really matter where you live to how often you need to get your car serviced. Historically the rule of thumb was every 12,000 miles or every 12 months whichever came first. For vehicles, over 10 years this is still a good guide and will help ensure your car stays in good running order and importantly will help keep a more costly car repair from occurring - prevention rather than cure approach.
However, for more modern cars with improvements in components, materials and lubricants you should be fine following manufacturers guidelines. If you've not got your manual this information should be relatively easy to find online. For many vehicles now guidelines of 20,000 miles are becoming more common but don't be tempted to stretch things further as there will be certain procedures and replacements of parts are certain service intervals which are important to follow to ensure you get the best performance from your vehicle.
Lists compiled from motoring organisations often have the main car issue being related to the gearbox. Whilst not easy to detect - poor gear changes can cause extra stress and strain on a gearbox which can cause costly damage to repair.
Close behind gearbox problems is electrical issues., which isn't that surprising when you see how many more items of a vehicle are being monitored by a computer. Hardly any new car will have a manual front window, gone are the oil checks with dipsticks and an oily cloth. Even tyre pressure monitoring is now under the watchful eye of the car computer. However, clearly, this is not without its problems as quite often a warning light will be displayed when no fault exists. Fortunately, the reverse of this is a much rarer occurrence but some electronic systems will prevent the driving of the vehicle if a certain fault is detected - which can clearly be infuriating if there is no fault.
In closely behind electrical issues in the third position are clutch problems. For older vehicles this is a more common occurrence as simply more driving will lead to wear of the clutch causing slipping and eventual burnout.
If you suspect any of these problems why not bring your vehicle by and we can run some diagnostics along with some old fashioned visual checks to see if you have an issue, or potential issues, looming...
If you start to feel your vehicle pulling to one side or notice that while you are driving in a straight line that your steering wheel isn't perfectly straight these are the two main indicators that your tracking is out. The most common cause of wheel misalignment are potholes - especially the deep ones which will give your car a jolt. Similarly, harsh driving across speed bumps can also start to cause misalignment.
If you don't get this repaired this will impact your tyres as they will wear unevenly, which will also have some effect on your fuel efficiency - both of which will end up costing you money. More importantly though it can negatively impact braking performance especially on ABS brakes so it is advisable to get your wheel aligned as soon as you notice one of the above signs
It's quite simple to have an idea of when your car's air conditioning may need a regas: if you notice that your air conditioning is just not as effective at cooling as normal then a recharge is most likely the reason. Of course, we will check that this is the reason and if so, simply topping up your aircon system with additional recharge of refrigerant should get your air conditioning working back to normal along with any air or pollen filters, which may also need cleaning.